Coming soon ...

Why art is an horcrux

and what this does to your life and the world


Upcoming: ¡vamos, simbiosis! How can the arts uplift local voices, create awareness, increase ocean literacy and transform marine science? Methods and outcomes of an arts & science project at the Mediterranean Sea, Presentation at the One Ocean Science, Congress within the 3. United Nations Ocean Conference 2025, Nice, France

2024 Ein anderer Garten, About the oevre of the Vienniese artist Hannah Stippl, Exhibition opening speech, Ausstellungsbrücke, Regierungsviertel, St. Pölten

2024 ¡vamos, simbiosis! Reconnecting humans to the sea through arts and science to inspire change towards a more sustainable future. Conference: Overcoming Obstacles to Climate Change Mitigation: a cross-cutting approach by human and social sciences, Université Catholique Louvain

2023 Die Zukunft der Kunst, Konferenz der Zukünfte, RambaZamba Theater und Theater des Anthropozän, Berlin

2016 Thinking Hands – schön ist, zu verstehen!, Gender Art Lab, University of Applied Arts, Vienna