Hallo, I am Stephanie.
As an artist, designer and philosopher of art I believe in the transformational power of arts. Especially in times of multi-crisis the arts inspire new insights and future visions.
My mission is to design artistic methods to facilitate interdisciplinarity, participation and out-of-the-box-thinking, such as my method Thinking Hands. It was recognized within the Falling Walls Lab Germany competetion 2017 as “Breaking the Wall of Science Communication”.
I experienced that transformation comes through crossing boundaries and mutual inspiration. Therefore, in 2020 I co-initiated the arts & science project ¡vamos, symbiosis! at the Mediterranean Sea in Spain. The initiative creates transformational artworks about our relation to the sea to inspire a sustainable life-style.
To reach people I share and teach my methods and art practise within workshops, conferences and exhibitions.
Meet me personally ...
Nice, France, 3rd to 6th of June 2025
At the One Ocean Science Congress where I present artistic methods to create awareness, increase ocean literacy and transform marine science!
PhD in Art Philosophy, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria
Dissertation: “Thinking Hands – A Social Design Approach”
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Marion Elias
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