Hallo, I am Stephanie.
As an artist, designer and philosopher of art I believe in the transformational power of arts. Especially in times of multi-crisis the arts inspire new insights and future visions.
My mission is to design artistic methods to facilitate interdisciplinarity, participation and out-of-the-box-thinking, such as my method Thinking Hands. It was recognized within the Falling Walls Lab Germany competetion 2017 as “Breaking the Wall of Science Communication”.
I experienced that transformation comes through crossing boundaries and mutual inspiration. Therefore, in 2020 I co-initiated the arts & science project ¡vamos, symbiosis! at the Mediterranean Sea in Spain. The initiative creates transformational artworks about our relation to the sea to inspire a sustainable lifestyle. To reach people I share and teach my methods and art practise within workshops, conferences and exhibitions.
Meet me personally ...
At the One Ocean Science Congress where I present artistic methods to create awareness, increase ocean literacy and transform marine science!
See you there!
PhD in Art Philosophy, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austri, Dissertation: “Thinking Hands – A Social Design Approach”, Mentor: Prof. Dr. Marion Elias
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