Transform your business through the arts
Discover the Symbiosis Studio to unleash out-of-the-box thinking within your team
Benefit from teaming up with artists in our pop-up
creativity boot camp to reflect and transform your field.
The Symbiosis Studio provides a week full of art workshops, discussions, body work, experiments, inspiration, coaching and aha-moments. Together we examine your challenges and design your future business!
Andreas Bergmann is a scenic and product designer from Berlin. He is known for his vibrant studio designs for broadcasting stations such as Deutsche Welle (DW) and Schweizer Fernsehen (SRF). From this backgropund he co-designed the Symbiosis Studio as a space that creates an atmosphere of action and fun through flexibly adapting to the challenges of the art workshops, the participants spontanous needs, and presentations.
Within his design workshops he creates and visualises emerging products and spaces in close collaboration with participants.

Berlin based illustrator Katrin Funcke works for clients such as Saatchi & Saatchi, Mercedes Benz, Nokia and The New York Times. Visualizing complex issues is her strengh.
Within the Thinking Hands workshops she helps participants to understandably visualize their expertise by questioning details to clarify the subject. Her expressive and elegant style of painting attracts everybody’s attention which raises interest and involves everybody into problem solving.

Stephanie Guse creates joint experiences through the arts to inspire transformation. She invented the Symbiosis Studio and its programme such as the Thinking Hands workshops, and teaches and publishes its methods, effects and benefits to support researchers and companies to design a sustainable future.
Within the workshops and communicational formats she moderates and reflects the participants topics to create transformative solutions.

Kristina Heldmann is a highly recognized illustrator and author from Berlin. Her science based books focus on the relationship between humans and the environment. Her investigative moderation, and bold manner of painting involves the participants in expressive visual discussions.


Stefan Michaelsen is a communication designer with a focus on public outreach through exhibitions.


You can find Hannah`s transformimg artwork in public spaces and exhibitions such as The Atkinson Museum, Southport and Kunstverein Kärnten, Austria.